- Teacher: Prof.Smitha SL
This is the learning platform of GEC Thrissur
Available courses
Advanced Communication Systems, Semester 8, Elctronics and Communication E nginering
- Teacher: Dr.Deepak KS
- Teacher: Prof.Asha J

- Teacher: Chithra KR
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Anu Mattatholi
- Teacher: Dr.Deepak KS
- Teacher: Prof.Smitha SL

- Teacher: Chithra KR
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Anu Mattatholi
- Teacher: Dr. Mohanan KP
- Teacher: Prof.Premanand B
- Teacher: Prof. Remya remya
- Teacher: Prof.Nelson KJ
- Teacher: Nissa Surling
- Teacher: Prof.Sindhu N
- Teacher: Dr. Mohanan KP
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Anu Mattatholi
This Course is about the practical experimentations of Digital Signal Processing. This is the syllabus
- Teacher: Prof.Subhija E N
- Teacher: Chithra KR
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Anu Mattatholi
- Teacher: Prof Gopi C
This Course deals with the processing of signals in digital domain. The pre-requisite of this paper is signals and systems. This is the syllabus for this course
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Prof.Smitha SL
This course deals with the different types of signals we encounter in daily life (Audio Signal, Image, EEG Signal, ECG Signal, Seismic signal, etc) which need to be assessed, assimilated and processed for getting meaningful interpretations.
Different types of systems are also analysed in this course.

- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Prof.Asha J
- Teacher: Nissa Surling
- Teacher: Prof Gopi C
This course is the starting step to Signal Processing. This course gives an insight into different signals, classes of signals, operations that can be done on signals, and LTI systems

- Teacher: Chithra KR
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Anu Mattatholi
- Teacher: Prof.Asha J
Mohamed Salih K.K.
- Teacher: Mohamed Salih K K
- Teacher: Dr.Deepak KS
- Teacher: Rajesh rajesh
Communication Lab
- Teacher: Prof. Job Chunkath
- Teacher: Prof.Smitha SL
- Teacher: Dr Jayan AR
- Teacher: Prof. Job Chunkath
- Teacher: Dr Thajudin Ahamed V I
- Teacher: Dr Jayan AR
- Teacher: Prof. Job Chunkath
This lab deals with the real-time implementation of DSP applications
- Teacher: Dr Sinith M S
- Teacher: Nissa Surling
- Teacher: Swaraj KP
Course offered by KTU B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2019 admission
Course syllabus came to effect since 2019, first offered in Academic year 2021-22
Normally offered in EVEN semester, forms CSE Program Core Course, at S6 level
This Course work aims:1) to ensure the comprehensive knowledge of each student in the most fundamental core courses in the curriculum. Six core courses credited from Semesters 3, 4 and 5 are chosen for the detailed study in this course work.
2) to help the learner to become competent in cracking GATE, placement tests and other competitive examinations
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
To introduce fundamental communication models.To discuss various time domain and frequency domain concepts of data communication.To introduce the concepts of encoding, multiplexing and spread spectrum.
This Lab course covers the various stages of database creation and use
- Teacher: Jayasree M
- Teacher: Rahamathulla Kolathikkal
- Teacher: aarshatk M.Tech CSE 2K19
- Teacher: abdulvahabkaruthedath M.Tech CSE 2K19
- Teacher: anaghamr M.Tech CSE 2K19
- Teacher: Rahamathulla Kolathikkal
- Teacher: aarshatk M.Tech CSE 2K19
- Teacher: abdulvahabkaruthedath M.Tech CSE 2K19
- Teacher: anaghamr M.Tech CSE 2K19
- Teacher: Prof.Subhija E N
Course offered by KTU, syllabus effect from 2015
Course came to effect in 2016
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE core at S7 level
To develop skills in doing literature survey, technical presentation and report preparation.To enable project identification and execution of preliminary works on final semester
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU, syllabus effect from 2015
Course came to effect in 2016
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE core at S7 level
To introduce the basic constructs that underlie all programming languagesTo introduce the basics of programming language design and implementation
To introduce the organizational framework for learning new programming languages.
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU, syllabus effect from 2015
Course came to effect in 2016
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE core at S5 level
To make students understand the design concepts of various system software like
Assembler, Linker, Loader and Macro pre-processor, Utility Programs such as
Text Editor and Debugger.
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU, syllabus effect from 2019
Course came to effect in 2022
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE Project based course(D) at S7
1. To apply engineering knowledge in practical problem solving.2. To foster innovation in design of products, processes or systems.
3. To develop creative thinking in finding viable solutions to engineering problems.
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course syllabus came to effect since 2019, first offered in Academic year 2021-22 EVEN
Normally offered in EVEN semester, forms CSE Program Core Course, at S6 level
This Course work aims:1)
to ensure the comprehensive knowledge of each student in the most
fundamental core courses in the curriculum. Six core courses credited
from Semesters 3, 4 and 5 are chosen for the detailed study in this
course work.
2) to help the learner to become competent in cracking GATE, placement tests and other competitive examinations
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU Cluster THRISSUR-07 syllabus for M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2015
Course came to effect in 2015
Normally offered in EVEN semester, forms CSE core at S2 level
Objectives(modified in 2021 by VKS):
1. To familiarize students of the basic structure of a typical modern compiler’s back end and impart capability to analyze and build a working prototype back end for a modern compiler, from a given specification2. To give a clear understanding of the typical processes in compiler optimization
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU Cluster THRISSUR-07 syllabus for M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2015
Course came to effect in 2015
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE core at S1 level
Objectives(unclear in syllabus restated clearly, modified little in Nov 2021 by VKS):,
2. <to be filled>
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU Cluster THRISSUR-07 syllabus for M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2015
Course came to effect in 2015
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE core at S3 level
Objectives(unclear in syllabus restated clearly, modified little in Nov 2021 by VKS):,
2. To impart training to students to face audience and present their ideas and thus creating in them self-esteem and courage that are essential for engineers.
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU Cluster THRISSUR-07 syllabus for M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2015
Course came to effect in 2015
Normally offered in EVEN semester, forms CSE core at S2 level
Objectives(modified in 2021 by VKS):
1. To familiarize students of the basic structure of a typical modern compiler’s back end and impart capability to analyze and build a working prototype back end for a modern compiler, from a given specification2. To give a clear understanding of the typical processes in compiler optimization
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU 2022 syllabus revision for M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2022 admission.
Course came to effect in 2022
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE elective at S1 level
This course enables the students to analyze the different phases of compiler / techniques for designing a compiler. This course introduces students to the advanced concepts of compilation phases such as lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate code generation, code optimization and code generation. This course helps the learners to design and develop compilers for programming languages.- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
Course offered by KTU Cluster THRISSUR-07 syllabus for M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering degree, effected from 2015
Course came to effect in 2015
Normally offered in ODD semester, forms CSE core at S3 level
Objectives(unclear in syllabus restated clearly, modified little in Nov 2021 by VKS):,
2. To impart training to students to face audience and present their ideas and thus creating in them self-esteem and courage that are essential for engineers.
- Teacher: Valsaraj KS
- Teacher: Nasma Noor
- Teacher: Dr. Shalij P R
- Teacher: Dr. Satish K P
First step towards learning Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning etc.
- Teacher: Jayanand B
Power Electronics and Drives Lab

New and Renewable Sources of Energy
Elective S5 (A&B)
- Teacher: Jaison Mathew
- Teacher: Alphonsa alphonsa
For S5 EEE A Batch
- Teacher: Dr. Meenakshy K
This course covers 8085 microprocessor and 8051 micro controller fundamentals and programming.

- Teacher: Dr Avinash Nelson
For S5 EEE B Batch
- Teacher: Dr. Meenakshy K
- Teacher: Nakul Narayanan
- Teacher: Nakul Narayanan
- Teacher: Dr. Jasmine E A
- Teacher: Dr. Jasmine E A
- Teacher: Prof. Shehin Shams
A Machine Learning Introductory Course
- Teacher: Prof.Soumya Chandran
- Teacher: Dr Reena P
- Teacher: Dr. Seema Varghese
- Teacher: Dr. Seema Varghese
- Teacher: Prof. Rajan M P
- Teacher: Dr. Gopakumar B